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Understanding and reducing weather induced fungal staining of oaten hay windrows.

Export oaten fodder is a 1.3 Mt sector, valued at $506M p.a., regularly delivering a stronger financial return for producers than other crop rotation alternatives. Oats for grazing, grain, domestic fodder and export fodder production have covered 0.8 to 1M ha per annum nationally over the last five years. Western Australia is the largest oat growing region and provides 40% oaten hay exports followed by South Australia and Victoria.

This project aims to improve fodder quality and production and to retain Australia’s market access. It will do this by providing growers and exporters with updated information on the causes and methods for suppression of weather induced saprophyte growth causing hay discolouration post-cutting. This will include testing fungicide with different modes of action, application timings and fungicide alternatives for saprophyte management. It will investigate any varietal influences on expression. The project will also focus on finding the earliest and safest timepoint for late season fungicides to be applies for saprophyte suppression to reduce the risk of MRLs. This is important as in WA it has become common practice to apply late season strobilurins as an insurance spray against weather damage; however, some growers are applying these fungicides later than the recommended withholding periods so best practice guidelines are of high importance. It will also investigate the MRL risks associated with late season application of fungicides.

Project date

23 May 2024-11 Nov 2026
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Principal investigator

Kylie Chambers

Project funded by

Multiple industries
Alternative protein Aquaculture Cereal grains Cross industry Essential oils Fruits Game Honey bees Nuts Other rural industries Pasture, fodder & feed Poultry Pulse grains

AgriFutures Australia

AgriFutures Australia proudly focuses on building a rich future for Australian agriculture. We live and work in the regions and …
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