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Hazelnut Program of Research

This five-year program of research, led by Charles Sturt University in concert with AgriFutures Australia and a consortium of research and industry partners, will position the Australian hazelnut industry for an expanded and sustainable future. By conducting a series of carefully-designed projects that target priorities identified by the Australian Hazelnut 2030 Strategic Blueprint, we will provide solutions to major current and near future issues that constrain growth. Aligned with a comprehensive communications and extension program in collaboration with Central Queensland University, the program team will ensure rapid and effective pipelining of information to current and prospective growers and investors. The program consists of three themes that cover : (i) production issues such as pollination, water and nutrient management, tree physiology and development and plant protection; (ii) benchmarking to ensure that industry has a sustainability framework, quality standards and statistical base to support domestic and international marketing programs, and  (iii) communication and extension so that growers benefit from new knowledge and emerging technologies to sustainably grow the industry, ensuring product quality and protection from biosecurity threats.

Project date

16 Jun 2024-13 May 2029
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Principal investigator

Geoff Gurr

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Multiple industries
Alternative protein Aquaculture Cereal grains Cross industry Essential oils Fruits Game Honey bees Nuts Other rural industries Pasture, fodder & feed Poultry Pulse grains

AgriFutures Australia

AgriFutures Australia proudly focuses on building a rich future for Australian agriculture. We live and work in the regions and …
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