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Best practice management of grapevine viruses in Australia

The key purpose of this project is to improve the management of grapevine viruses such as Leafroll and Shiraz Disease that cause reduced vine vigour, quality and yield. As well as a Best Management Practice Guide for virus management in established vineyards and new plantings in Australia, based on a draft standard protocol developed in New Zealand, the project will identify gaps in local knowledge relating to surveillance, sampling, testing and extent and impact of grapevine virus infection in Australia, and are expected to be used as part of future extension and change of practice activities within the Australian wine sector.

Project date

1 Feb 2021-1 Mar 2022
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Principal investigator

Bell, Vaughn

Research organisation

The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research

Project funded by

Multiple industries
Fruits Other rural industries Wine

Wine Australia

Wine Australia helps foster and encourage profitable, resilient and sustainable Australian winegrape and wine businesses by investing in research and …
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  • Organisation type

    Research funding body



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