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Wollem AI: automated emissions reporting and climate risk analysis for large land and agricultural portfolios – commercial partnership

Sam Sneddon, CEO at WollemAI

Opportunity for

  • Agricultural portfolio or commercial landowners to use our end-to-end AI/ML driven platform to calculate high-fidelity climate risk metrics (emissions) for compliance and continued market access 
  • Financial services companies, Agri funds and large corporates and agribusinesses with agricultural assets in their supply chain that must report to the regulator and that want to develop their emissions, land-management, and climate risk reporting capability.
    ^This opportunity is only for professional and sophisticated investors.

Opportunity background

Industry challenge:

The food and agriculture sector contributes up to a third of global emissions each year but has also been identified as a critical part in achieving the net zero target.

The sector is also significantly exposed to the risk of climate change. Financial services companies and large corporations with agricultural supply chains are being compelled to measure and report emissions without access to the required data and domain ability.

Agricultural systems are biological and inextricably linked to the carbon and nitrogen cycles. Consequently, while emissions calculations and factors for other sectors and industries are well-developed, the science and data for land and agriculture is still evolving. This has meant stakeholders have been battling disparate datasets, low accuracy estimates and climate risks.

WollemAI's platform has been built to reduce the complexity of meeting these challenges for all agricultural stakeholders on the transition to net zero.

Firstly, our platform enables streamlined data collection, automated analysis, and audit-grade reporting for producers, corporates, asset owners and banks.

Secondly, the platform provides a suite of tools to test, measure and track on-the-ground scenarios providing customers with actionable insights to meet their climate and sustainability goals, open new market opportunities or manage risks.

Current opportunity:

WollemAI is looking for strategic partners that are aligned in its mission to use accurate reporting to accelerate decarbonisation in the sector and ensure access to export markets.

We have worked with several leading banks, agricultural fund managers and commercial farmers to trial our product and ground truth our models for easy compliance and decision making.

We are looking for our next three commercial customers to use the platform and, importantly, to work with us on developing simulation risk management tools that mimic the impact of biogenic carbon and methane reduction strategies on their overall carbon stocks.

Opportunity background:

The Wollem AI platform has been built by a diverse team of data scientists, agricultural risk specialists and sustainability consultants supported by industry and finance professionals. Our multi-stakeholder approach ensures that the platform is developed holistically and designed to meet the needs of various participants across the land and agriculture sector.

As such, our models capture and process all the information required for any agribusiness and their stakeholders to decide the risks and opportunities across multi-system emissions, land-use and land-use change impacts, physical perils and changing climate.

Current feature set:

  • Beef, dairy and wheat production systems
  • Scalable asset-level calculations
  • Localised geo-spatial datasets
  • Full scope GHG (Greenhouse Gas) Protocol aligned reporting including source, location, GHG type
  • Asset to portfolio aggregation
  • Economic and physical intensity
  • Land-use, land-use change & forestry impacts (LULUCF)
  • Pasture and yield analysis
  • Carbon stocks and sequestration potential
  • Climate scenario analysis – temperature and rainfall
  • Physical risk exposure – drought, fire, flood, frost, heat
  • Financed emissions, CVaR, Expected Loss.


  • Audit-hub
  • Farm activity simulations
  • Carbon project feasibility (ACCU (Australian Carbon Credit Units) / Nature Repair markets).

^Professional and sophisticated investors as defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). The content of this opportunity is intended for use by persons having professional experience in matters relating to investments and must not be acted or relied upon by any other person including, without limitation, retail clients.

Opportunity type

Seeking interest, Field trial, Seeking partners

Express interest by

Wednesday, 31 July 2024 12:00 Australia/Sydney


Late (TRL 8-9)
Commercial optimisation of the product/service, testing and commercial distribution.
What does this mean?
Describes the stage of the challenge or opportunity being pursued.

Opportunity led by

Multiple industries
Beef cattle Cereal grains Cotton Dairy Natural capital assets Oilseeds Pasture, fodder & feed Sheep & lamb


WollemAI is a climate reporting platform specifically tailored for the land and agricultural sector. Its services are focused on the …
  • Location

    New South Wales, Australia. Operating globally.

  • Organisation type

    Startup or Scaleup or SME

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