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21 results for #surveillance

Multiple industries
Cereal grains Cross industry Pasture, fodder & feed Pulse grains
Crop protection
Research project

Understanding and developing a response to blue green aphid resistance to chemical controls

Recently, field populations of bluegreen aphids (BGA - Acyrthosiphon kondoi) have been found with resistance to the insecticides omethoate, chlorpyrifos …
  • Funded by

    Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC)

  • Project date

    19 Aug 2022 -
    30 Nov 2024

  • Research organisation

    CESAR Pty. Ltd

Multiple industries
Fruits Vegetables
Multiple technology areas
Crop protection Imagery Plant science
Research project

National Bee Pest Surveillance Program: Transition Program

This project will continue the delivery of a national surveillance program for 13 pests (mites and beetles) and pest bees that could carry parasites or cause damage to honey-bee and pollinator-dependent industries in Australia. It is designed to ensure the early detection of high-priority pest incursions, which provides the best opportunity for successful pest eradication.
  • Funded by

    Hort Innovation

  • Project date

    3 Dec 2021 -
    15 Dec 2024

  • Research organisation

    Plant Health Australia (PHA)

Wild catch fisheries
Crop protection
Research project

Abalone Viral Ganglioneuritis (AVG) R&D Needs Workshop

Abalone Viral Ganglioneuritis (AVG) disease is caused by a herpesvirus and was first detected in Victoria in December 2005. Since May 2021, cases of AVG in Victoria have been confirmed as far east as Cape Otway and as far west as the Discovery Bay Marine Park. This review will support those involved in the outbreak and urgently seek solutions through researching current biosecurity protocols, options for surveillance and diagnostic tools to aid rapid detection, to future proof the industry.
  • Funded by

    Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC)

  • Project date

    31 Oct 2021 -
    17 Mar 2022

  • Research organisation

    Abalone Council Victoria

Cereal grains
Crop protection
Research project

Determining the economic impact of Native Budworm (Helicoverpa punctigera) in cereal crops in the Western Region

Since 2018, there has been an annual and increasing trend in Western Australia of native budworm (Helicoverpa punctigera) causing feeding damage …
  • Funded by

    Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC)

  • Project date

    1 Jul 2021 -
    30 Jun 2023

  • Research organisation

    Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) [WA]

Multiple industries
Cereal grains Pulse grains
Crop protection
Research project

Disease surveillance and related diagnostics for the Australian grains industry (within the Northern region)

This project is part of a national disease surveillance program to monitor the changes in pathogen populations for cereals and …
  • Funded by

    Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC)

  • Project date

    30 Jun 2021 -
    30 Jun 2024

  • Research organisation

    Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (QDAF)

Crop protection
Research project

Integrated management of grapevine phylloxera: Phase II

Phylloxera is a tiny yellow aphid that feeds on the roots of grapevines, killing them. This project is a next-phase research program to help protect Australian vineyards cope with phylloxera through more effective surveillance, improved selection of resilient rootstocks, disinfestation procedures and knowledge of Australian phylloxera ecology.
  • Funded by

    Wine Australia

  • Project date

    1 May 2021 -
    30 Apr 2024

  • Research organisation

    Agriculture Victoria

Multiple industries
Cereal grains Oilseeds Pulse grains
Crop protection
Research project

Disease surveillance and related diagnostics for the Australian grains industry (Western region)

This project is part of a national disease surveillance program to monitor the changes in pathogen populations for cereals, oilseeds …
  • Funded by

    Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC)

  • Project date

    1 Apr 2021 -
    31 Mar 2024

  • Research organisation

    Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) [WA]

Multiple industries
Cereal grains Oilseeds Pulse grains
Crop protection
Research project

Disease surveillance and related diagnostics for the Australian grains industry (within the Southern region - Victoria)

This project is part of a national disease surveillance program to monitor the changes in pathogen populations including their incidence …
  • Funded by

    Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC)

  • Project date

    1 Apr 2021 -
    31 Mar 2024

  • Research organisation

    Department of Jobs Precincts and Regions (DJPR) [Vic]

Multiple industries
Cereal grains Pulse grains
Crop protection
Research project

Disease surveillance and related diagnostics for the Australian grains industry (within the Southern region - South Australia)

This project is part of a national disease surveillance program to monitor the changes in pathogen populations including their incidence …
  • Funded by

    Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC)

  • Project date

    1 Apr 2021 -
    31 Mar 2024

  • Research organisation

    The University of Adelaide (UA)

Multiple technology areas
Crop protection Plant science Traceability
Research project

Best practice management of grapevine viruses in Australia

The key purpose of this project is to improve the management of grapevine viruses such as Leafroll and Shiraz Disease that cause reduced vine vigour, quality and yield. As well as a Best Management Practice Guide for virus management in established vineyards and new plantings in Australia, the project will identify knowledge gaps to be addressed by future research.
  • Funded by

    Wine Australia

  • Project date

    1 Feb 2021 -
    1 Mar 2022

  • Research organisation

    The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research

Multiple industries
Cereal grains Pulse grains
Multiple technology areas
Crop protection Plant science
Research project

Program 3: Towards effective genetic and sustainable management of Ascochyta blight of Chickpea - Identification and characterisation of novel sources of AB resistance in elite cultivars and wild relatives of chickpea

The aim of this research is to stabilise yield and increase grower profitability through the reduction of loss associated with …
  • Funded by

    Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC)

  • Project date

    1 Jul 2020 -
    30 Jun 2024

  • Research organisation

    The University of Adelaide (UA)

Multiple industries
Cereal grains Pulse grains
Crop protection
Research project

Surveys and associated diagnostics of the incidence and severity of diseases of cereals, and pulses in the southern region (South Australia)

This investment is part of the ongoing disease surveillance program to monitor the changes in pathogen populations including their incidence …
  • Funded by

    Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC)

  • Project date

    1 Jul 2020 -
    31 Mar 2021

  • Research organisation

    The University of Adelaide (UA)

Multiple industries
Cereal grains Pulse grains
Crop protection
Research project

Disease management strategies in broadacre grain crops for South Australia

This project aims at improved management strategies for a number of broad-acre grain crop pathogens. Field trials for ascochyta blight …
  • Funded by

    Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC)

  • Project date

    1 Jul 2020 -
    31 Mar 2021

  • Research organisation

    The University of Adelaide (UA)

Multiple industries
Oilseeds Pulse grains
Crop protection
Research project

Insecticide resistance in the green peach aphid: national surveillance, preparedness and implications for virus management

Insecticide resistance in the green peach aphid (Myzus persicae, GPA) continues to threaten canola and pulse production. There are diminishing …
  • Funded by

    Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC)

  • Project date

    1 Jan 2020 -
    30 Jun 2024

  • Research organisation

    CESAR Pty. Ltd

Cereal grains
Crop protection
Research project

Distribution of ramularia across the Australian grain belt

Ramularia leaf spot (RLS) caused by Ramularia collo-cygni is a barley disease found in most areas of the world and …
  • Funded by

    Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC)

  • Project date

    1 Sep 2019 -
    30 Jun 2021

  • Research organisation

    Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) [WA]

Multiple industries
Cereal grains Pulse grains
Crop protection
Research project

Surveys and associated diagnostics of the incidence and severity of diseases of cereals and pulses within the southern region (Victoria).

This project will capture data to establish the current prevalence and severity of diseases of cereals and pulses in the …
  • Funded by

    Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC)

  • Project date

    1 Jul 2019 -
    31 Mar 2021

  • Research organisation

    Department of Jobs Precincts and Regions (DJPR) [Vic]

Multiple industries
Cereal grains Pulse grains
Crop protection
Research project

Surveys and associated diagnostics of the incidence and severity of diseases of cereals and pulses within the northern region

This project aims to enhance partnerships with industry and state and federal agencies to provide disease surveillance and related diagnostic …
  • Funded by

    Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC)

  • Project date

    1 Jul 2019 -
    30 Jun 2021

  • Research organisation

    Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (QDAF)

Multiple industries
Cereal grains Oilseeds Pulse grains
Crop protection
Research project

Surveys and associated diagnostics of the incidence and severity of diseases of cereals, pulses and oilseeds in the western region

Random stratified surveys will be conducted across the GRDC's western region recording the incidence and severity of the established and …
  • Funded by

    Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC)

  • Project date

    1 Jul 2019 -
    31 Mar 2021

  • Research organisation

    Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) [WA]

Multiple industries
Cereal grains Oilseeds Pulse grains
Crop protection
Research project

Identification, surveillance and advisory platform for management of grains pests

A national grains pest identification, surveillance and advisory initiative that will use available monitoring data to accurately identify pest problems …
  • Funded by

    Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC)

  • Project date

    1 Apr 2019 -
    7 May 2022

  • Research organisation

    CESAR Pty. Ltd

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